The object of the game is to survive longer than your opponent.
Knived enemies are neutral - they attack both you and your opponent.
For each attacker you kill, your score increases by 1.
When a knived enemy gets close enough, he will attack. If he is sufficiently close whilst he attacks, you will lose 5 health.
When your opponent's bullet hits you, you will lose 10 health.
When your health drops to 0, the game is over.
Enemies get denser and quicker over time.
Player 1
Use your keyboard's arrow keys to move the player. Use the spacebar to shoot bullets.
Player 2
Use your keyboard's AWSD keys to move the player. Use the q key to shoot bullets.
Special Items
The Medikit adds 20 health. This lifesaver appears very frequently.
The Remedy Pill slows down and thins the enemy crowd. This appears each time a player's score reaches a multiple of 50.
The Shotgun is simply better than the default pistol. It shoots three streams of pellets. A player unlocks it if their score reaches 50. Note: You can't use the other person's shotgun!